Calculate Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
We utilize your personal financial information to determine what the federal government expects your family to pay towards the cost of education each year.
Provide Planning Recommendations to Reduce EFC
We will take advantage of every strategy available to make your EFC as low as legally possible.
Provide Financial Aid Award Estimates For Unlimited Amount of Schools
Each year colleges must send the IRS what their average financial aid package looked like for their average, middle of the road, 50th percentile student. Through our network we have licensing rights to view these reports for over 2500 schools. Although it cannot guarantee what your aid package will look like, it provides a great gauge to see what a school has done in the past.
Recommend Additional Schools to be Considered
If there are any other schools we feel your student should be looking at base don their interests, we will make you aware of those schools.
Provide Recommendations for the Best Way to Pay Your Share of College Costs
This is where we develop a plan on how your family is going to pay your student’s out-of-pocket costs. Even if we can considerably lower your EFC, you are still going to have an out-of-pocket cost. Depending on “how” you pay that cost can mean thousands of unnecessary interest, fees and overpaid tax dollars. Also, if you're not careful and you keep taking loan after loan after loan, you might find yourself in a difficult cash crunch situation. We will put a plan in place to avoid this situation.